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Class name Prestige Rulebook
Bonded Summoner yes Miniatures Handbook
Bone Collector yes Ghostwalk
Bone Knight yes Five Nations
Breachgnome yes Races of Faerun
Brimstone Speaker yes Tome of Magic
Broken One (Monk) no Champions of Valor
Cabinet Trickster yes Races of Eberron
Cancer Mage yes Book of Vile Darkness
Candle Caster yes Tome and Blood: A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers
Cannith Wand Adept yes Sharn: City of Towers
Cataclysm Mage yes Explorer's Handbook
Cavalier yes Complete Warrior
Cavalier yes Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters
Cavelord yes Underdark
Cavestalker yes Drow of the Underdark
Celebrant of Sharess yes
Celestial Mystic yes Book of Exalted Deeds
Cerebremancer yes Expanded Psionics Handbook
Cerebrex yes Dragon Compendium
Chameleon yes Races of Destiny