Spells in Spell Compendium

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Wall of Sand Conjuration Sc_
Wall of Smoke Conjuration Sc_
Wall of Water Conjuration Sc_
War Cry Enchantment Sc_
Warning Shout Transmutation Sc_
Waterspout Conjuration Sc_
Wave of Grief Enchantment Sc_
Weapon of Energy Transmutation Sc_
Weapon of Impact Transmutation Sc_
Weapon of the Deity Transmutation Sc_
Weapon Shift Transmutation Sc_
Weather Eye Divination Sc_
Weighed in the Balance Necromancy Sc_
Whirling Blade Transmutation Sc_
Whirlwind, Greater Evocation Sc_
Wild Runner Transmutation Sc_
Wind At Back Evocation Sc_
Wind Tunnel Evocation Sc_
Wingbind Evocation Sc_
Winged Mount Transmutation Sc_