Extra Spell Secret

( Complete Arcane, p. 80)


You learn an additional spell secret.


able to cast 2ndlevel spells, Spell secret class ability,


You choose one spell known to you that becomes permanently modifi ed as though affected by Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Still Spell, or Silent Spell. The spell's level does not change, nor does the choice of spell and modifi cation once chosen. As you go up in level, you can choose the same spell to be modifi ed in different ways with multiple spell secrets (either from additional uses of this feat or through the spell secret class ability). You do not need to have the metamagic feat that you apply to the spell.


You can take this feat multiple times. Each time, you can select another spell to be permanently modifi ed as though affected by one of the metamagic feats mentioned above. You can choose the same spell to be modifi ed with multiple applications of this feat.