Sorcerer level 4 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Touchstone Lightning Transmutation PlH
Trance of the Verdant Domain Enchantment DM
Translocation Trick Conjuration Sc_
Treasure Scent Divination Sc_
Trollshape Transmutation PH2
Unbind Chakra Necromancy MoI
Undeniable Gravity, Legion's Transmutation MH
Unluck Divination CAr
Unseen Servant, Mass Conjuration RD
Unshape Soulmeld Abjuration MoI
Vecna Malevolent Whisper Enchantment CM
Venom Bolt Evocation SK
Viscid Glob Conjuration Und
Voice of the Dragon Transmutation Dr
Voice of the Dragon Transmutation Sc_
Vortex of Teeth Evocation Sc_
Wall of Chaos Abjuration Mag
Wall of Chaos Abjuration Sc_
Wall of Coldfire Evocation Fr
Wall of Deadly Chains Conjuration BV