Cleric level 5 spells

More spell levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Spell name Spell School Rulebook name
Chaav's Laugh Enchantment BE
Charnel Fire Necromancy BV
Choking Sands Necromancy Sa
Chromatic Ray Evocation DrF
Command, Greater Enchantment PH
Commune Divination PH
Commune With Earth Divination Rac
Condemnation Abjuration PH2
Conjure Ice Beast V Conjuration Fr
Contagion, Mass Necromancy Rac
Contagion, Mass Necromancy Sc_
Convert Wand Transmutation BE
Convert Wand Transmutation CV
Crawling Darkness Conjuration Mag
Crawling Darkness Conjuration SS
Crawling Darkness Conjuration Sc_
Crown of Courage Enchantment FoW
Crown of Flame Evocation BE
Cure Light Wounds, Mass Conjuration PH
Curse of Ill Fortune, Mass Necromancy Sc_